Distrito 7 – Noche de Perros [Dog Night] – Escape Room Pamplona

Noche de Perros / Pamplona (Spain) / 2-5 Players / Price: 20 – 32.50 EURO pro Person / Bewertung: 9.1

Location: C. Bernardino Tirapu, 31, 31014 Pamplona, Navarra

Date of Play: 06.10.2022

Team Size: 4


Noche de Perros aka Dog Night from Spanish Escape Room provider Distrito 7 in Pamplona was voted 19th in the Top Escape Room Enthusiast Awards 2021(TERPECA). Expectations were high for such a top ranking. Read the review here.

About an hour before the game started, we received a message from Mery from Amigos Bar in Distrito 7 (District 7) inviting us to have a burger at her bar. We learned that it was a promotion to make the run-down and gang-dominated neighborhood more attractive again.

We were to be there at the appointed time and ring the bell when the entire playgroup was complete. No sooner said than done. The provider’s premises are located on the second floor of a residential and commercial building. Even from the outside, you could guess that it was an Escape Room provider, unlike the other rooms in northern Spain.

So, right on time, we rang the bell and Mery opened the door for us. She led us straight into her burger joint. She was chatting with us for a bit when suddenly it got louder outside the burger joint and you could hear shouting in Spanish. When she left the store to check on things, we only heard gunshots and the real adventure of Noche de Perros aka Dog Night could begin.

Noche de Perros [Dog Night]

A group of friends go out for a burger at District 7. Everything looks like it’s going to be a great night, but then something happens and everything goes wrong. From that moment on, all we care about is running away and getting to safety, even if it means getting into the lion’s den. Who would have thought that there would be the safest place?

The room

After the introductory sequence of Noche de Perros aka Dog Night, we now have time to take a look around the burger store, which looks small but still authentic. However, too many guests can certainly not be entertained here. A TV program is running in the corner, a jukebox offers a large selection of songs and a bar invites us to linger. As the game progresses, however, the whole world of District 7 opens up to us and surprises with the most diverse settings and one or two bizarre moments. The soundscape is largely atmospheric and the use of light is okay. One area in particular was more intense in terms of smell and added to the believability of the location. Towards the end, the tension picks up and one or two gimmicks brought a smile to our faces.

The puzzles

Noche de Perros aka Dog Night offers a varied range of different puzzles and disciplines to master. From cognitive, haptic to motor puzzles, everything can be found here. The puzzles are for the most part logical and, most importantly, entertainingly integrated into the given setting. The hint guidance was good, but not always successful. This was mainly due to the fact that the room was not fully translated in some places. Unfortunately, there were also minor errors which where caused during the reset of the room that made it possible to skip puzzles or not solve them as given. 

The gamester

Our gamemaster gave her all from the very beginning and showed great acting skills, even if she wasn’t always so confident in English. Nevertheless, she delivered a wide range of different roles here. The hints are mainly via a messenger app on her cell phone and through dialogue within the game.

Noche de Perros aka Dog Night is a really entertaining adventure in a varied setting that is told with a lot of tongue in cheek and offers a good amount of suspense. District 7 has all sorts of creative ideas that make the world seem more believable. Especially in combination with the acting of our game master, the game is given a special life. Unfortunately, the otherwise quite positive overall impression is somewhat marred by the mistakes which were made during the reset of the room. Nevertheless, this is a creative 90-minute adventure in a varied setting. We recommend Noche de Perros aka Dog Night for groups of 3-5 advanced players.

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