Kategorie: Escape Room Germany

Miraculum – The Golden Phoenix – Escape Room Berlin

We waited a long time to finally play the newest highlight room in Berlin, and now the time had come for “The golden Phoenix” by Miraculum. A room that was supposed to take us into the magical world and raised high expectations in advance. The creative minds of The Room were behind the concept. Read here if our expectations were met.

TIMEBREAK Bonn – Temple Hunter – Escape Room Bonn

More than three years have passed since Malte first entered Yarrum’s magical hut through a dimensional rift at Timebreak in Bonn (see review). Now, the three of us returned to delve into the depths of an old Egyptian temple in the adventure “Temple Hunters.”

Dream Labs – The Tale of the Heartless Pirate – Escape Room Bad Steben

The greatest surprises are experienced in the most unlikely places. How many of you have heard of Bad Steben? Exactly. A small town with just under 3000 inhabitants in northern Bavaria held the biggest surprise of the year for us. We visited Dream Labs and played ‘The Tale of the Heartless Pirate.’ What this game did to our hearts, you can read about here.

[Podcast] On the Road #5 – Es ist zurück!/ Der Schacht/ Der Exorzist / Der Bank-Coup

Wir besprechen vier von uns gespielte Escape Room Erlebnisse. Malte ist bei der Code Agency in Düsseldorf auf die Jagd nach Pennywise gegangen und ist bei Mindhunters Osnabrück einen Schacht hinab gestiegen. Maria und Sebastian haben bei EscRoom in Hamburg Dämonen ausgetrieben und sind im Escape Hotel Hamburg in eine Bank eingebrochen.

LOCKED Bremen – Last Night – Escape Room Bremen

The live adventure game provider Locked, which is known for its crime, thriller and horror rooms in Bochum and Bremen, has an escape room in Bremen called Die Letzte Nacht – Filmriss mit Folgen (Last Night – Hangover with Consequences), which is also aimed at players who are not into scary games. We took a closer look at this room. Read here whether it was rather exhilarating or whether we ended up with a hangover.

The Code Agency Düsseldorf – Hekates Tears – Escape Room Düsseldorf

After we have already visited Code Agency Düsseldorf several times to defeat the Poltergeist and find the Scepter of Light (to the review) by jumping through space and time, this time a new mission was waiting for us. The mission Hekate’s Tears is about averting an evil force in the form of a shadow mage.