Category: best escape room Hamburg
You are looking for the best Escape Rooms in Hamburg? Then you are right here. Escape Maniac presents you the best Escape Rooms in Hamburg. Here you can find the best Live Escape Games and Escape Rooms in Hamburg. Hamburg has not only the Reeperbahn, the fish market or the harbor to offer.
“Arm on red, leg on yellow!” Just reading the name of the game “Der Spielzeugmacher” (The Toy Maker) by Big Break brought numerous associations with well-known classic games to mind. Whether my expectations were met or not, you’ll find out here.
During our last visit to Hamburg, we went to the OPOLUM Escape Room Theater and played the game ChainSAW – The Dangerous Game. How dangerous it got for us and whether the room can join the high quality of Hamburg, you can read here.
Hamburg / 3 – 6 Players / Price: 22.50€ –...
HIDDEN in HAMBURG offers a very special highlight. The much acclaimed Escape Rooms are located on board of two museum ships. So you puzzle directly on board and can look at the ships after your game. This time we returned to play the Master of Time room on the Cap San Diego.
There are Escape Rooms, which you do not forget. One of them for us is Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the wailing Woman from Skurrilum in Hamburg. After more than four years and two lockdowns we returned to Hamburg to finally play the second Ernie Hudson adventure Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death. Read here if this adventure also became an unforgettable experience for us.