Hidden in Hamburg – The Master of Time – Escape Room Hamburg

Hamburg / 3 – 7 Players / Price: 30€ – 60€ per Player / Rating: 8.4

Location: Überseebrücke, 20459 Hamburg (auf der Cap San Diego)

Date of Play: 03.07.2021

Players: 3

HIDDEN in HAMBURG offers a very special highlight. The much acclaimed Escape Rooms are located on board of two museum ships. So you puzzle directly on board and can look at the ships after your game. This time we returned to play the Master of Time room on the Cap San Diego.

In 2018 we already visited the Cap San Diego and successfully completed The Golden Skull (To the Review) at Hidden in Hamburg. Shortly after, we switched to the Rickmer Rickmers, where we neutralized the Curse of Neptune (To the Review).

Now after the lockdown, somehow fittingly after that time, we wanted to defeat the Master of Time on the Cap San Diego and bring time back into balance.

In fact, HIDDEN in HAMBURG with its rooms on the ships offers a very special ambience and charm, which is hard to resist. Just entering the location puts the players in the right mood.

Our path led us down several steel staircases into the belly of the ship into a sort of large hall, which is part of the museum exhibition. The entrance to the rooms of HIDDEN was, in keeping with the Escape Room theme, also obviously hidden and offers a little entry puzzle before you can enter the reception area.

At the same time, a very nice and open-minded gamemaster welcomed us to the atmospheric premises. We were able to stow our valuables in the lockable compartments provided.

After the short general briefing, our gamemaster disappeared again briefly to get dressed up. In her disguise she came back to introduce us to the story and to hand us a pocket watch. The game could begin.

The Master of Time

“I am no longer master of my own time,” people say. The months pass so much faster than before, one day has only 10 hours and before summer has started, the trees lose their leaves. Nobody knows the origin of this development and so people rush through life. One day you come across the secret access to underground chambers by accident. On a dusty door you read the inscription “To the Master of Time” and your curiosity seizes you… Can you penetrate into the chambers of the lost master, slow down time and give it back to mankind?


The Master of Time is a really nice atmospheric game through and through. The theme allows many things to happen here, so you can’t really set yourself up for a certain scenario beforehand. This allows Master of Time to surprise. In fact, there are some references to Momo in the room, which is more of a nice Easter Egg. Hidden manages to make the small ground area seem bigger than it is in the end, and that’s thanks to good gameplay. Light and sound are atmospherically staged. The only thing that struck us as frequent players a bit negatively was the moment when the group is confirmed to have solved a puzzle correctly. This repeatedly pulled us out of the flow and the actual story of the room.


The most impressive puzzle in Master of Time is without a doubt the entry puzzle. It knows how to use the entire room and involve the entire team. It is one of the best puzzles to start a room that we have experienced so far. Unfortunately, we were all the more disappointed by the subsequent puzzles. These felt repetitive, since they always demanded the same thing from us. We had to puzzle or connect things, which might not have been quite so obvious if we hadn’t actually duplicated tasks from time to time. However, the linear puzzles are at all times very accessible to those playing and at a fairly easy difficulty level. For the most part, they also subordinate themselves to the story and are successfully integrated into the setting.


Since we had a good flow and the puzzles weren’t too hard for us, we didn’t need the gamemaster’s help in this case, so we can’t say anything about it.


Hidden generally offers really beautifully implemented rooms, as you could already read in our other reviews. Master of Time on the Cap San Diego is no exception. The room is atmospherically staged and you like to lose yourself in this world. This room is especially perfect for families or even inexperienced players, who will experience a really great first room.

Frequent players or advanced players might find the room a bit too easy, so that the fun could be over after 30 – 40 minutes. This also ensures that the price for the experience is not quite in relation to what is offered. Even if the entrance fee to the museum ship is included, you might be happy to pay it the first time. However, the price is more important for further visits.

Otherwise, we recommend you book a game during the week, here you can save up to 10 euros per person if necessary. If you want it even cheaper, you can play one of their highly acclaimed detective cases at home.

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Hidden Games Tatort - Der Fall Klein-Borstelheim - Deutsch - Realistisches Krimispiel, spannendes Detektivspiel, Escape Room Spiel
  • Neuartiges Spielkonzept, plastikfrei verpackt
  • Ermittelt in einem realistischen Krimifall
  • Untersucht Unterlagen, prüft Alibis, enttarnt den Täter!
  • Euch erwartet ein multidimensionales Spielerlebnis
  • 1-6 Spieler, ab 14 Jahren, 1,5 - 2,5 Stunden Spielzeit

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